Friday, July 9, 2010

I am praying for the Church

Dear American Church,

Today I am praying for you. It's not easy to be a bible based church in America these days. It seems that mainstream America wants an "everything will be fine, do what you need for yourself, you deserve all those treasures and just do what feels good" church. America wants to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to what is going on in our government, schools and homes. When a church stands for something besides the "good life" or being "politically correct" or being "tolerant", then they are labeled as ignorant, intolerant, hypocritical, racist or bigots. When the members of a church believe that the Bible is true and try to live by the commandments and directions provided by God in the Bible, they are viewed as mindless, brainless followers who cannot think for themselves. It hard to be a church that will stand against what is popular and instead choose what is right. It is difficult to lead your congregation when there are so many wolves surrounding us in sheep's clothing.

So, American Church, this is my prayer for you. Dear Heavenly Father, Please place your loving hand of protection on our church. Lead the church to teach your word as it was written, as it was intended, as you desired. Open their ears to your voice, open their heart to your Holy Spirit, open their eyes to see your Son. Help the church to focus more on the souls to be found instead of the money to be received. Help the pastors to be strong and stand firm. Help the congregation to read, learn, believe and witness for their faith. May church become of place of refreshment, worship, conviction and true salvation. I pray all of these things in the matchless name of your Son Jesus Christ - Amen.

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