Thursday, July 8, 2010

I am praying for our President

Dear Mr. President.

Today I am praying for you. Regardless of our difference in viewpoints, as God's chosen leader for this particular time, it is still my duty and right to pray for you each day. Because I pray for you does not mean that I agree with you. It does not mean that I will conform to what you say or do things that I don't believe in. What it does mean it that I will trust that God has a plan - even if I don't understand. However, I will not go quietly into the night. I will not stop fighting for the America that I love. I will not stop serving the God who chose me to be His child.

So, Mr President, this is my prayer today. Dear Heavenly Father. Please lay your hand of understanding upon our President. Stand with him so that he can make wise decisions for America and her people. Place a weight of conviction on his heart to think of country first and self last. Put words of unity in his mouth and courage in his soul. When he speaks to the country and completes his speech with "and may God bless America" - make him feel your presence to the very tip of his toes. Lord - I will always trust the your will be done and even if I don't understand, I will believe that it is the right plan for your children. I ask these things in the name of your holy Son Jesus Christ - Amen

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